We’re Bringing Mardi Gras to Sebastopol
Saturday, March 9, 2019, 6:30 to 10 pm
Our Sebastopol Senior Center is Proud to present our LGBTQI and Friends Mardi Gras Dance Party! Come be Dazzled and Energized by outstanding Dance Music, Food, Bling, with Wild & Beautiful Mardi Gras Decorations in every room. Fortune Tellers, Card Readers and Palm Readers are available to delight you.
And the Food! Snacks based on the Theme of Southern Decadence, Jambalaya, Red Beans and Dirty Rice, King Cake, and a Big Spread of Appetizers are included in the $12 price (pre-sale price). WOW! Alcohol Available - No Host Bar, Beer and Wine for Sale.
Buy your Tickets now, before we sell out! ($15 at the door if available)
Tickets are available at the Sebastopol Senior Center.
By Phone or Walk-In
Sebastopol Senior Center 707-829-2440
167 N High Street, Sebastopol
M-F 9am - 4:30 p.m.
Pre-Purchase - $12 Per Person
At the Door - $15 Per Person (if available)
Wear Your Bling!
Every Mardi Gras needs a King and Queen! Compete in our Queen and King Contest! Dress to Impress!
Some of you got to experience our roof raising Halloween dance. We had a fabulous time with 100 revelers here in costume. Our Mardi Gras dance is going to be bigger, better, and even more fun! Get this date on your calendar now.
When: Saturday March 9, 2019 6:30 PM
We’re bringing back our Palm reader, Card reader and Bone reader for our Fortune Telling Room. A whole team of folks will be decorating — our Center will be transformed! We have three 9-foot long Mardi Gras Floats and most every wall will be covered. Come enjoy the transformation and move back in time to a New Orleans Party!
Dress to impress, wear your bling, It’s going to be a blast you won’t want to miss!
Next Up:
GARY "Buz" HERMES is the Aging Gayfully! Teacher
"Aging Gayfully!" is a unique free class offered by Santa Rosa Junior College's Older Adults Program and integrates conscious aging research with the LGBT aging issues of older generations who spent much of their lives ostracized by their culture. The class is an expansion of a series of popular 8-week workshops that were offered by Buz in various Sonoma County locations as part of an innovative grant-funded project. It is a group discussion format with different weekly topics and handouts and occasional guest speakers. Of course, every discussion is inevitably interspersed with much laughter! In addition to learning about optimal aging strategies and resources in a safe, supportive setting, the class provides an opportunity for participants to connect with others and to share their wisdom and life experiences.” Folks can join the class at any time.
Classes are Thursdays 11 AM – 1 PM at Finley Center, and Wednesdays 1:30 – 3 PM at Southwest Center Heritage Hall.
For more information, please contact GARY HERMES: garydhermes@comcast.net.
For the Guys:
I want to encourage you to sign up for ‘The Billys’ emails. They offer local potlucks and camp-out gatherings six times a year. Click here to sign up.
“The Billys is a community of hundreds of open-hearted gay, bi and queer men who join together in Gatherings six times a year in extraordinary rural venues throughout Northern California. Each gathering is a work of art, carefully crafted by Billys to take us to places of joy and playfulness, intimacy and openness. We come together to play games, hike, make yummy food, play music, cuddle, meditate, frolic, do yoga, and learn from each other.”
Another men’s group the meets here in Sonoma county: The Golden Guys. This group meets monthly (occasionally at our Center) for their potlucks. To get on their list for announcements, contact Doug Yule: (707) 827-3664 dgyule@comcast.net.
Events for Women:
I want to thank my woman friend, Shad, for sharing this event with me. She tells me that there is a 200 women strong lesbian group centered in Oakmont (Santa Rosa(, who are hosting this entertainer:
LISA KOCH: singer-songwriter-comedian-actor-raconteur...
Click here to check out her website.
Saturday, February 9th, 2019
Berger Auditorium - Oakmont Village
Lisa Koch at Oakmont Rainbow Women - 7pm
6633 Oakmont Drive
Santa Rosa California 95409
Price: $25
Lisa brings her tunes and comedy to Oakmont Rainbow Women in Santa Rosa. This is an event for Oakmont Village residents and their guests, but all are welcome!
For tix, contact orptickets@gmail.com.
And Shad is excited to announce that March 28th thru 31st is the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival. It has three features films on these themes: Trans, Gay, & Lesbian. Then are two short films, one Gay, and the other a Lesbian theme.
Click here for more information about the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival.
From a Friend:
“To all my gay friends 40+ years... Most of us are going through the next stage of our lives. We are at that age where we see the wrinkles, grey hair, extra pounds. We see the pretty 25 year olds and sigh. But, we were once 25 too. What they bring to the table with their youth and zest for life, we bring with our wisdom, experience, and good hearts. While our exterior may not be what it once was, it is traded for our spirit, our courage, and our strength to enter this chapter of our lives with grace and pride for all we've been through and accomplished. Never feel bad about aging. It is a privilege denied to many.”
From the Senior Center:
I want to draw you attention to a valuable resource page on our website, Sebastopol Area Senior Center LGBTQI Elder Resources.
On the left of the page are Local resources for Elder LBGTQI, in the center of the page are the Bay Area resources, and on the right are the National resources. Keep scrolling down on the left to see local social groups for men and women.
Please reach out to me with any concerns or suggestions!
Scotty King
Operations Manager
Sebastopol Senior Center
167 N. High Street
Sebastopol CA 95472
707-829-2440 x103