April 2022 LGBT+ Announcements

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The Rainbow Connection of the Sebastopol Senior Center

April 2022 LGBT+ Announcements


Monday's LGBT+ Mixer was a Huge Success!
We had 18 LGBT+ folks (men and women) show up to visit for 2 hours. We really did get to know each other. We all sat in a big circle and took turns introducing our selves. It was like sitting together with family, especially when someone shared about their same-sex partner, we all nodded understandingly. Then the 2nd time around the circle, we all shared "A Highlight From My Life."
It was so fascinating! There is such richness that we all bring. I was on the edge of my chair hearing the stories shared of our lives. We are such an interesting group! Educators, antique dealers, many had commonalities, like math backgrounds. Some folks traded phone numbers after class. It was so fun and successful that we decided to have it again on the first Monday of the month.

Put the next ones on your calendar! May 2nd, & June 6th 1:30 to 3:30, see below.

Come to Our LGBT+ Friendship Mixer Circle
Monday May 2nd & June 6th
1:30 to 3:30 pm

Come meet your LGBT+ Friends and Neighbors

We provide coffee, water, tea and fresh popped popcorn! 

What: LGBT+ Friendship Mixer Circle
When: Monday May 2nd & June 6th, 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Where: Sebastopol Senior Center in person
Why: Meet new LGBT+ Friends
Cost: Free to members, $5 non-members
Go HERE to register:
Or call our front desk: 707-829-2440

We will be in the back room with the double doors open to the outside. This event is for everyone wanting to make a new friend.

We sit in a circle and take turns introducing ourselves.  Then the 2nd time around the circle, we answer a prompt question, like "Share a Highlight From Your Life."
This is a great way to connect and learn more about like-minded souls.

Must be vaccinated.

LGBT+ Hike & Visit in Ragle Park Thursday May 19th, 10 am to 11:30
When: May 19th, 10 am to 11:30
Where: Ragle Park, 500 Ragle Rd, Sebastopol ($7 to park) 
Meet at the picnic tables to the left of the Gazebo
Then we will hike around from there
Why: Get Exercise and meet new LGBT+ Friends and Neighbors
If you prefer to ride the free bus #24: Bus (Free) leaves Senior Center 9:30 am Arrives Ragle Park 9:43 am HIKE AROUND! 10 am to 11:30 Bus leaves Ragel park at 11:37 pm Bus Arrives Back at Senior Center 12:16 pm Cost: Free - Registration Required
Go HERE to register for this Event, or
Call our front desk at 707-829-2440


Men’s Connection Group for Gay, Bi and Trans Men
Every Thursday 4 PM on Zoom, Free

Brothers! We can enjoy each other online. You are welcome to connect with us in this safe and supportive Zoom Group to explore issue of aging, friendship, sexuality, and more! We also have fun teasing each other and cracking jokes too. All Men who love men are welcome: gay, bi, trans. We all agree to confidentiality. What is shared in this group, stays in this group. Many friendships have been formed since we stated meeting in June of 2020. And we are ready to welcome new members.
What: Gay Bi & Trans Men's Connection Zoom group
 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (1 hour)

When: Thursdays at 4 to 5 PM
Where: Your Home, On Zoom
Why: Be connected and make Friends with Gay Bi & Trans Men
Cost: Free
Go HERE to register and to receive the Zoom link, email SCOTTY with any questions.


Have You Wanted to Know How to Navigate the Bus System to Santa Rosa & Back? 

Get On the Bus With Friendly Seniors and Ride With Us! April 20th

Ride the bus with Scotty to Santa Rosa and back! Have lunch, shop as a group, and then take the bus home.
What: Take the bus together to Santa Rosa as a group
When: Wednesday April 20th 10 am
Where: Meet at the Sebastopol Transit Hub
Why: Learn to take the bus to Santa Rosa and Meet new friends
Cost: Bus fair and money for lunch / shopping
Go HERE to register, or call our front desk: 707-829-2440
We will meet at the Sebastopol Transit Hub (across from the police station, near the movie theater) at 10am to catch the 10:11am #20 bus to Santa Rosa.
You can also catch the #24 bus from the Senior Center at 9:30am to get to the Transit Hub in time (it gets to hub at 10am).
We will pick up the #20 bus at the Sebastopol Transit Hub (across from the police station, near the movie theater) at 10 am on April 20th.
If you want to preview the bus schedules, click here:


Left to right: Tiffani Lisieux (C). Amanda Vitiello (B) and Laura Jorgensen (A).  (BRITTANY LAW/CINNABAR THEATER)
"Three Tall Women" Opens
THIS FRIDAY, April 8th, 7:30pm at the Cinnabar Theater  in Petaluma!

"What would it be like, as an older person, to meet younger versions of yourself? To question the life choices they made? And in turn, be questioned by them as to how you have subsequently lived your life?

Written by Edward Albee (a gay man), who also wrote "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
"This Pulitzer prize-winning play from 1990 is famous for its innovative structure, which veers from realism in the first act to the irrationally symbolic in the second."

Read Clark Miller's full feature on Three Tall Women in the Argus Courier. HERE

Santa Rosa Pride Parade is Coming: Saturday June 4th

-March in the Parade with US
-Ride On the Float
-Wave a Rainbow Flag
-Help Us Decorate Our Float Beforehand
-Help Us Staff Our Senior Center Booth in Courthouse Square
-Join the After Party
-Come Dancing

Would you like to help build the float? Email me (SCOTTY) with questions, and Register HERE and we will let you know when we know more.
Everyone is welcome to the Pride Parade.  Let us know if you will be coming so we can let you know our position as to where to meet and things like that. We will have a booth at the festival after the parade in in Courthouse Square.  Plan on staying after the parade to help celebrate.

Go HERE to register, or call our front desk: 707-829-2440
SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2022 AT 11 AM – 5 PM
Sonoma County's 35th Annual Pride Parade & Festival
37 Old Courthouse Square
SAVE THE DATE! Sonoma County Pride is excited to announce returning to Downtown Santa Rosa for the 35th annual Sonoma County Pride Parade and Festival. !
More details about the Parade Festival and other weekend events will be coming soon! 

And that is all for this time. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. You can call or email me.


Scotty King
Manager of Special Services
Volunteer Driver Program ∙ LGBT+ Liaison
707-827-8429 direct
707-829-2440 main
Sebastopol Senior Center
167 N. High Street
Sebastopol CA 95472
"Remember when Giving a Ride was the Neighborly Thing to Do? It Still Is!"

Please email SCOTTY with your questions or comments or suggestions!  We love your input and involvement!
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May 2022 LGBT+ Blog


April 2022