March 2022

CRUISE THE CASTRO with the Sebastopol Senior Center's LGBT+

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The Rainbow Connection of the Sebastopol Senior Center
March 2022 LGBT+ Blog

THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Luxury Chartered Bus to San Francisco’s Castro
Guided Tour: The Castro & The GLBT Museum
5 Complete Scholarships Available ($500)!

If you are low on cash, please apply for a scholarship. A generous donor has given us $500 to pay for 5 folks to attend. We have other scholarships as well.  Click here to apply for a confidential scholarship.
Docent tour of exhibitions giving us a look into the last 100 years of local events and arts that have shaped the community in the Castro.
Afterwards CRUISE THE CASTRO:  Walking tour with historian/local tour guide, Kathy Amendola.  Discover how SF’s Gold Rush created the city’s first sexual and gender diverse community.  How WWII, the Summer of Love, and Harvey Milk created the heart and soul of the Castro community. 
$90.00 members/ $105 non-members.  Scholarships available.
Time for lunch and cruising on your own
or  call to register: 707 829-2440


Our LGBT+ Friendship Mixer was a Big Success!
Twenty of us met in Ragle park (some of us rode the free #24 bus there), and had a lovely time getting to know each other. We got to spend about 8 minutes with each person, getting to know them and using the "friendship questions" which I brought printed on cards. 
Said one attendee:
"Hi Scotty, it was a success this afternoon! I love the outing and how you have planned it! Thank you Thank you!  I met interesting people and had nice conversations with them. I missed a couple people. I am looking forward to the next one so I can talk to them!"

Creating Intergenerational Connections Between LGBT+ Teens and Seniors at the Library!

From Rosalie Abbott, Young Adult & Teen Services Librarian:
"Dear LGBT+ Seniors, Award-winning West County High School Teacher, Rachel Ambrose, and I would like to invite you to an intergenerational programming experience here at the Library. We would LOVE to help facilitate the creation of intergenerational connections between LGBTQ teens and seniors, through conversations about LGBT-related topics and experiences—and life in general. Depending on the level of interest, this could look like a panel discussion with seniors and teens together, and a Q&A at the end—or if there is an overwhelming interest, it could look more like one-on-one conversations or interviews. We hope that connections will be made, insight, empathy, and new perspectives will be gained for everyone participating. Our hope is to host the event on Friday, April 8th. Please email me if you are interested."

Rosalie Abbott, Young Adult Services Librarian
Sebastopol Regional Library
Office: 707-823-7691 x1015

This question from a reader came in: "Can you recommend the LGBT+ friendly bars, pubs, restaurants in Sebastopol?  I would like to visit some of those establishments if they are around."  Email your answers to Scotty HERE 

The Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival is Here!
LGBTQI & OUTwatch LGBT+ Films

At the Rialto Cinema in Sebastopol
OUTwatch Films:
3 Shorts
The Beauty President about activist Terence Alan Smith’s 1992 historic bid for president of the United States as his drag queen persona Joan Jett Blakk. 
RC 7 Fri 3/25, 5pm w/ This Is Not Me

The Grey Area explores the societal bias against masculine women and butch lesbians
RC 7 Sun 3/27, 12:45p part Of Shorts Block 9 Living Change 

Everyman A visual essay about gender transition – reframing gender using tropes and imagery from popular culture, mythology, history and art and explores how the world is different living as female compared to being perceived as male.
SCA Brent  Sat 3/26, 7pm w/No Straight Lines

3 Features
Fanny: The Right To Rock, a fun time with the band Fanny – June and Jean Millington and their queer bandmates -- 1st all-female rock band to release an album on a major label - their early years and fast-forward to their resent reunion.  
You will recognize June Millington an important musician in Women’s music and co-founder of the Institute for the Musical Arts (IMA) which was in Bodega before it relocated to Massachusetts. But this film does not cover the IMA
RC 7 Fri  3/25, 7:00 pm 

No Straight Lines, director Vivian Kleiman’s amazing film about 5 queer comics artists — Alison Bech-del, Howard Cruse, Mary Wings, Rupert Kin-nard, and Jennifer Camper.  The skill and craft of this documentary is exceptional but truly the only thing you will remember is how much you love this film. From their early DIY work to the international stage, No Straight Lines offers a window into their world from the AIDS crisis to the search for love and a good haircut. 
SCA Brent Sat 3/26, 7pm w/ Everyman

This Is Not Me  -  From 1st time Iranian filmmaker Saeed Gholipour, This Is Not Me is a brave film about 2 trans-men in Iran, who navigate their religion, their laws and the harsh gender inequality, to receive gender reassignment.  This feature takes us deep into their world, into their families allowing us to be a part of their journey to be themselves. 
RC 7 Fri 3/25, 5pm w/ The Beauty President

For All the information and more films, go here:

Don't forget Outbeat Radio!

Outbeat Radio, the Voice of North Bay’s LGBTQ+ Community, airs on KRCB Public Radio on 104.9 FM, streams live on Sundays at 8 p.m. and can be heard on KRCB’s free app.

Go here for the complete schedule:

Outbeat Music - Notes to Live By airs every second Sunday. Hosted by Cheryl Kabanuck. Tune in for music by LGBTQI+ artists and allies of the community. Exploring new music and playing old favorites. Occasional in studio live guests. Artists, please send any music to KRCB that may fit into this category. Reach Cheryl at

Outbeat Collage - Out in the Arts happens the third Sunday. Host Gary Carnivele interviews local LGBTQI+ fine artists, filmmakers, performers, musicians, and writers about their work. The show also features Outbeat’s Arts and Entertainment Calendar. Reach Gary at

Outbeat Radio is seeking new team members who are energetic, creative, and interested in radio - no matter your experience level. We need folks with a wide range of skills. Contact us at

The Billys Are Hiring
Announcement from the Billys:
"The Billys is a heart-centered community
woven together by shared values and our experience as gay, bi, and queer (cis and trans) men. The mission of the Billys is to foster community, intimacy and personal exploration through co-created gathering spaces.

The Billy Foundation is seeking a part-time Program Coordinator. This person will coordinate outreach and
logistics for multiple in-person and online gatherings per year and other social and educational activities for the Billy community
This also includes ongoing information technology and administrative duties.

This is a flexible remote position
of 10-15 hours per week. Compensation includes home office and health insurance stipends. Contact Kris,"

And that is all for this time. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. You can call or email me.


Scotty King
Manager of Special Services
Volunteer Driver Program ∙ LGBT+ Liaison
707-827-8429 direct
707-829-2440 main
Sebastopol Senior Center
167 N. High Street
Sebastopol CA 95472
"Remember when Giving a Ride was the Neighborly Thing to Do? It Still Is!"

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April 2022


FEB 2022 LGBT+ Blog