Are you a senior needing a hand with a basic project around your home? Great news, the Sebastopol Area Senior Center and local Service Clubs have partnered to help you!

The next HOP Day in Sebastopol is Saturday, July 23rd, 2022!

What you need to know:

  • This application is open to seniors aged 60 or better

  • All recipients MUST be vaccinated and wear masks indoors when volunteers are present.

  • Applications are accepted year-round; service days are once per quarter

  • By submitting this application, we cannot guarantee we can complete the project, but we will try our best!

Please note there are some projects we cannot complete including anything that requires a permit.

Here are some sample projects we can complete for you:

  • changing light bulbs

  • changing simple fixtures around your home

  • removing cobwebs or debris

  • helping with basic yard work

  • any project you can't do around the house, tell us what it is and we can try to help

Partnered Agencies: Sebastopol Area Senior Center, Gravenstein Lions Club, Rotary Club of Sebastopol, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise, Kiwanis Club, Soroptimist, Active 20/30 Club, VFW Gold Ridge Post, Sebastopol Grange, Masons La Fayette Lodge #126

Application Process:
1. Senior completes application (Click on button below)
2. The Senior Center funnels applications to the Service Clubs
3. Applications are reviewed, approved by the Service Clubs
4. Applicants are notified